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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-05-29

Design of highly conductive solid thin film electrolyte for stack integration within optical and energy storage applications


In recent years, thin film science has grown world-wide into a major research area, and has shown that bulk material properties are indeed very different from their behaviour when considered as a surface. Promising areas for thin film manufactured material s are micro batteries (electrochemical energy storage), micro-supercapacitors (energy impulsion) and electrochromic devices (ie. smart windows). Here, the challenge today lie in the development of solid electrolytes (glasses and crystallized materials) and thin film technology would provide new physical properties (very high ionic and electronic conductivity) and increased chemical and mechanical stability etc. Thin film solid electrolytes require rather specific properties that sometimes are difficult to o btain at the same time, therefore the main S&T objective of the HICONDELEC project is to develop fundamental knowledge in order to enable an optimum design of the solid lithium conducting glass electrolytes with predefined physical and chemical charact eristics. A multidisciplinary RTD approach combining simulation, theory, experiment, validation and use has been chosen, in order to maximise the fundamental understanding of: - Ionic and electronic conductivity phenomena - Thermo-electro-mechanical behavi our The HICONDELEC consortium includes Chalmers, TU Ilmenau, NHRF, WWU, HUT, IST and ENSCPB high level research centres with complementary expertise in the fields of modelling and experimental characterisation of ionic and electronic conductivity and therm o- electro-mechanical behaviour of glass like materials (bulk or thin film). And, in order to validate the generated knowledge for certain applications, technology providers has been added for scaling up and property validation purposes: CTI (PVD target ma nufacturers), HEF (microbattery), CEA (micro super-capacities), SG (electrochromic systems).

Dziedzina nauki

Klasyfikacja projektów w serwisie CORDIS opiera się na wielojęzycznej taksonomii EuroSciVoc, obejmującej wszystkie dziedziny nauki, w oparciu o półautomatyczny proces bazujący na technikach przetwarzania języka naturalnego.

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System finansowania

NoE - Network of Excellence


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