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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18

FAll Repository for the design of Smart and sElf-adaptive Environments prolonging INdependent livinG

Opis projektu

ICT for Ageing and Wellbeing

FARSEEING wants to provide an information basis for research and therapy development for fall prediction, prevention and support, by building the world’s largest fall repository. This database will facilitate the collection, analysis and processing of behavioural and physiological data related to falls, daily activity and physiological factors. The data will be collected using smartphones, and wearable and environmental sensors providing self-adaptive responses.
One of the objectives of Farseeing is to design and evaluate a self-adapted intervention program (acting at physical/physiological and cognitive level) to restore or enhance healthy functioning for still high functioning older persons that have recently experienced a functional loss, and also for  people at a high risk of falling.
The inclusion of a longstanding cohort study ensures a representative population sample, which is urgently needed to translate scientific and technological progress into real fall prevention and treatment services for real people.
Members of the FARSEEING community can access the latest evidence, discuss experiences, share knowledge, ask questions and seek advice of anything fall-related.

Healthy independent living is a major challenge for the ageing European population. Promotion of stimulating physical activity and prevention of falls are two key factors. Smart ICT offers unique proactive opportunities to support older people in their own homes. The FARSEEING project aims to provide groundbreaking results for health promotion, fall prevention and technical development. Falls in older persons are common, often leading to institutionalisation and loss of independence. FARSEEING aims to promote better prediction, prevention and support of older persons, by long-term analysis of behavioural and physiological data collected using Smartphones, wearable and environmental sensors: leading to self-adaptive responses. FARSEEING aims to build the world's largest fall repository. This will include samples of both high functioning community-dwelling elders and high-risk groups of fallers. The architecture of the database will facilitate collection, analysis and processing of data related to falls, daily activity and physiological factors. The inclusion of a longstanding cohort study ensures a representative population sample, which is urgently needed to translate technological advance into real world service provision. Telemedicine service models using open technological platforms, independent of sensor systems, will be developed for detection of falls and exchange of information between the older person, family, caregivers and health-care personnel. Novel exercise regimens will be developed that increase adaptability and stimulate motor learning, and cognitive and emotional well being. The exercise model will focus on capacity to manage a complex challenging environment. User acceptability is central to FARSEEING. Psychological and gerontological expertise is a core activity, including ethical, privacy and e-inclusion dimensions. Data protection will be paramount to build and validate realistic business models and service provision.

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Wkład UE
€ 718 878,00
40126 Bologna

Zobacz na mapie

Nord-Est Emilia-Romagna Bologna
Rodzaj działalności
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Kontakt administracyjny
Lorenzo Chiari (Prof.)
Koszt całkowity
Brak danych

Uczestnicy (11)