"The main aim of the CHAMELEON project is to develop a cost-effective, fast-to-deploy, low-power and flexible video surveillance system that automatically combines images from multiple cameras with overlapping regions to create a natural seamless panoramic view of the monitored area.
CHAMELEON will be a flexible CCTV system allowing for fast and cost-effective deployment. In cases where a wired solution would be feasible, CHAMELEON will interface with the Internet network using the Ethernet communication protocol. In scenarios like remote surveillance, CHAMELEON will use a low-power and secure 5GHz Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11a connection to transmit real-time video signals to the monitoring station. CHAMELEON will implement two layers of security protocols – Data encryption after encoding and authentication at the network layer. CHAMELEON will use a very low power and light-weight video compression algorithm with low bit rates. This will make it possible for the system to be battery operated for a longer time, making it ideal for Temporary Monitoring. CHAMELEON is ideal for Temporary Monitoring since it can be connected to a wireless link, can be battery operated, fast-to-deploy and is able to quickly and automatically configure a network. CHAMELEON will improve the quality of CCTV video display by combining images from multiple cameras with overlapping regions to create a natural seamless panoramic view of the monitored area. CHAMELEON can be used to feed existing Intelligent Video Surveillance systems with wider-view (panoramic) video, therefore increasing their efficiency and detection rate."
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Klasyfikacja projektów w serwisie CORDIS opiera się na wielojęzycznej taksonomii EuroSciVoc, obejmującej wszystkie dziedziny nauki, w oparciu o półautomatyczny proces bazujący na technikach przetwarzania języka naturalnego.
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