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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18

Promoting European - South African Research Cooperation in Aeronautics and Air Transport


The intention of this proposal is to create a platform for enhancing aeronautics and air transport research and development (R&D) cooperation between the EU and SA, and to explore the potential for and, where appropriate, to promote the participation of other African countries in such cooperation. The overall objectives for AEROAFRICA are: • To explore the potential for enhancing cooperation through an analysis (mapping) of aeronautics and air transport R&D cooperation between the EU and SA, as well as other African countries; • To develop and enhance networks and partnerships between EU, SA and other African researchers and organisations in identified technical themes ideally suited for mutually beneficial aeronautics and air transport R&D cooperation. • To promote SA and African participation in the aeronautics and air transport activities of FP7 through focused information and advisory services, and • To establish an aeronautics and air transport R&D policy dialogue between the EU and SA, as well as other African partners, so as to also support economic and development cooperation. The proposed AEROAFRICA initiative represents the first attempt to significantly capture the aeronautics and air transport capabilities and needs of the EU and SA in a complementary manner, useable as qualitative tools to enhance further co-operation. AEROAFRICA’s success and impact assessment will be based on: • An overall increase in participation in FP7 by the SA and identified African aeronautics research communities; • Success in bringing about increased networking and partnering in the aeronautics R&D community, measured by determining the greater extent of FP7 consortium arrangements, and range and number of EU partner organisations with which SA and identified African countries collaborate; and • The extent to which cooperative relationships are leveraged through joint identification of needs and priorities for collaboration.

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System finansowania

CSA-SA - Support actions


Wkład UE
€ 85 998,99
2001 Johannesburg
Republika Południowej Afryki

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Rodzaj działalności
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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Uczestnicy (5)