SmartGrids ERA-NET develops transnational research activities to speed up the development of a Smart European Electrical Infrastructure. A necessity for a successful realisation of the European Action Plan “Energy Policy for Europe”. This will change the European electricity supply with strong consumer response, large scale supplies of renewable electricity and high levels of distributed generation. SmartGrids ERA-NET provides co-ordination of the related research activities within the national and regional public (co)funded RTD. To make a kick start, the consortium already defined three logical issues for joint calls Electrical Transport Systems; Electrical Distribution Systems and Regulatory Issues. SmartGrids ERA-NET creates a network of programme managers, closely connected to policy makers and industry that undertakes joint activities. The objective of SmartGrids ERA-NET is the mutual opening up of the research programmes, research infrastructures and joint activities (calls). The ambition is to establish cooperation beyond the ERA-NET and between RTD managers EU-wide. The work plan foresees 4-step approach: • Step 1: Exchange of information • Step 2: Strategic activities and best practices • Step 3: Implementation of joint activities • Step 4: Transnational research activities The Consortium represents National and Regional programmes of 12 European countries, which gives the SmartGrids ERA-NET the critical mass required for successful operations. All members have assigned senior staff to this ERA-NET, who are experienced with home front programmes and international cooperation.
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