The objectives of this 18-months project are to improve coordination of existing and developing monitoring infrastructures and associate the Northern African seismological research community to the current and future European integrating initiatives led by the 2 European organizations in seismology, EMSC and ORFEUS.Poor and slow regional data exchange after the recent devastating earthquakes in Northern African, the Boumerdes (Algeria, M6.8 21/05/2003) and the Al Hoceima (Morocco, M6.5 24/02/2004) earthqu akes resulted, for example, in underestimated initial magnitude and poor rapid location estimates. The poor availability of across-border also severely impairs appropriate monitoring of the seismic movements off-coast (Alboran Sea, Gibraltar) and conseque ntly the reliable assessment of the seismic hazard.To realize our objectives we plan to organize a workshop in Spain in which the research organizations and observatories from the Western Mediterranean participate together with the EMSC, ORFEUS and researc hers from the major European earthquake research and observatory facilities. The workshop will summarize the current knowledge, on-going projects and research plans with regard to seismic activity and risk in the region. It will further discuss the require d research and monitoring infrastructure necessary in the region and will be followed up by the implementation of some of the proposed technical facilities. The precise type of these implementations will be discussed and proposed at the workshop. Both the workshop and the experience of these implementations will result in a concrete earthquake (risk) research infrastructure integration plan for the region and some coordinated specific research proposals. This project is part of the longer-term strategy of E MSC and ORFEUS to associate the Mediterranean seismological community to European initiatives and create the conditions for their full participation in more complex EU-funded projects in the future
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- nauki przyrodniczenauki o Ziemi i pokrewne nauki o środowiskugeologiasejsmologia
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