Periodic Reporting for period 1 - INTERSTORE (Interoperable opeN-source Tools to Enable hybRidisation, utiliSation, and moneTisation of stORage flExibility)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2023-01-01 do 2024-06-30
On one hand this middleware will facilitate the integration of storage creating an independence from the hardware solution which is critical from customer perspectives to avoid vendor lock in solutions. On the hand it will facilitate its use from a monetization perspective making sure that more investments in storage are enabled.
First all, the new InterSTORE solution will be tested and validated in 4 real life living lab in Italy, Austria, Germany and Portugal and in one laboratory in Spain setting with the purpose not only to replicate in a controlled environment a selection of identified use cases but also with the goal to develop testing software to be adopted in the future for interoperability certification.
The middleware will also be integrated both in open source and commercial platforms to support the validation of the solution in real life demos. Here the goal is to enhance already available and successfully flexibility platforms but also to check in real life scenario the value of the new solution.
InterSTORE has also a strong focus towards impact. First of all, as already mentioned, the solution will become part of already running commercial platform making sure that a real adoption is anticipated at the end of the project.
First all, the new InterSTORE solution will be tested and validated in 4 real life living lab in Italy, Austria, Germany and Portugal and in one laboratory in Spain setting with the purpose not only to replicate in a controlled environment a selection of identified use cases but also with the goal to develop testing software to be adopted in the future for interoperability certification.
The middleware will also be integrated both in open source and commercial platforms to support the validation of the solution in real life demos. Here the goal is to enhance already available and successfully flexibility platforms but also to check in real life scenario the value of the new solution.
InterSTORE has also a strong focus towards impact. First of all, as already mentioned, the solution will become part of already running commercial platform making sure that a real adoption is anticipated at the end of the project.