Periodic Reporting for period 1 - P2R (Pathways2Resilience: Co-developing pathways towards Climate resilient regions in Europe)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2023-01-01 do 2024-06-30
The project, coordinated by CKIC, gathers 14 partners from 10 different countries. The structure of participating partners covers a variety of stakeholders active in climate adaptation planning.
WP1 focused on building a resilience maturity curve framework and a self-assessment tool and drafted a P2R learning and impact approach. These documents would allow selected regions to evaluate their readiness for transformative climate change adaptation.
WP2 focused on engaging and mobilising regions and communities for the first P2R call for applicants. During the first reporting period, WP2 conducted a successful seven-month campaign that directly reached over 200 regions and communities across Europe, resulting in the selection of the first 40 regions.
WP3 designed, launched and ran the first sub-grant call, leading to the conclusion of the selection process and awarding of the sub-grants in the second reporting period.
WP4 produced a report on the mapping and analysis of key enabling conditions (for climate resilience) that would apply to different regional and local contexts. This will be the knowledge base for the start of the Deep Dives sessions.
WP5 started by referencing and classifying systemic barriers (technological, socio-cultural, economical...) and solutions (fintech, accelerators..) to bridge the adaptation finance gap. This work was completed by a rigourous catalogue review of the literature on financial sources and instruments for adaptation finance, complemented with the analytical foundations for a Regional Adaptation Investment Plan. Both documents would be used by regions to facilitate their resilience journey (RRJ).
WP6 realised several documents aiming to facilitate regional decision-making regarding climate change adaptation. This was done by addressing key concepts such as adaptation pathways, Multiple Resilience Dividends (MRD) and by mapping methodologies for innovation agendas.
WP7 started to develop a capacity building program including a calendar of activities, training sessions, key deliverable aligments and other strong components which harmonise the results brought by technical and financial WP4, 5 and 6.
WP8 Communication launched the P2R website, the key digital tool of Pathways2Resilience, which is updated on a regular basis with project news, articles and events. Additionally, the Pathways2Resilience social media channels, LinkedIn, and X, further amplifies the great job that WP8 has done in promoting the overall project. Internally, WP8 designed and created templates and guidelines to align all the content, facilitating communication between partners but also future exchanges with the regions.
WP9 Project management ensured the smooth running and coordination of the project, and first interactions with MIP4Adapt, sister projects, and external experts.