Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RhizoEng (Rhizosphere engineering: influence on signaling behavior and colonization under drought conditions)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-12-01 do 2023-11-30
Parallelly, the freshly generated plant signalling information allowed finer investigations on belowground crosstalks with the help of microbial bioreporter strains specifically designed to investigate the interactions of key beneficial functions such as ethylene attenuation, and hormone biosynthesis. Furthermore, a direct influence of signalling molecules on microbial behaviour individual strains was also decoded using the identified signalling molecules.
The outcomes were utilized to design a rhizosphere engineering strategy with the help of plant signalling molecules. The effectiveness of strategy towards mounting drought resilience was validated both in presence and absence of exogenous microbial inputs in the form of microbial synthetic community. The overall outcome indicated a positive influence of rhizosphere engineering on drought resilience in wheat.
Long term ecological impact of the outcomes could be clearly identified in terms of strengthened rhizosphere communities with beneficial microbes that could specifically function towards plant performance and resilience. This is mainly due to the use of specific host-derived information on signalling behaviour to encourage the assemblage of indigenous microbiota. Furthermore, in case of exogenous amendment of non-native microbial inputs, this strategy encourages selective characterization of the strains, which subsequently should help maintaining the targeted delivery with the help of signalling moieties, thereby enhancing the functional efficacy.