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Development of gamma prime strengthened CoNi based superalloy for advanced sustainable manufacturing technologies

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CNSTech (Development of gamma prime strengthened CoNi based superalloy for advanced sustainable manufacturing technologies)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-10-01 do 2023-09-30

- What is the problem/issue being addressed?
The problem/issue being addressed in the provided data is centered around the development of a new generation of superalloys, specifically High Entropy Superalloys (HESAs), with a focus on improving their properties relative to existing high-temperature materials, particularly Ni-based superalloys. The project aims to overcome limitations associated with conventional superalloys and enhance their performance, efficiency, and printability, especially in advanced manufacturing technologies like Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF). The key challenge addressed is the need for materials with elevated γ' solvus temperature and a narrowed freezing range, crucial for applications in aerospace, power technologies, and advanced manufacturing. The project explores the integration of High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) principles, particularly configurational entropy, in the design and development of these novel superalloys, presenting a strategic shift toward innovative research areas based on emerging findings.

- Why is it important for society?
The obtained results make a substantial contribution to addressing major European societal challenges, particularly in enhancing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The successful implementation of novel HESAs in industries such as aerospace and power generation, where superalloys play a pivotal role, showcases their potential impact on advancing sustainability goals. These outcomes are aligned with the objectives of the Green Deal and Fit for 55 initiatives, reflecting a commitment to environmentally conscious practices and technologies. Furthermore, the results align with the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE), emphasizing their relevance to the strategic priorities in the aviation sector.

- What are the overall objectives?
The overall objectives of the project include:
• Development of CoNi-based HESAs: The primary goal is to design, develop, and optimize a new generation of superalloys known as CoNi-based HESAs. These alloys aim to surpass the properties of existing high-temperature materials, particularly Ni-based superalloys.

• Integration of High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) Principles: The project seeks to integrate principles of HEAs, with a specific focus on configurational entropy, into the design and development processes of CoNi-based superalloys.
• Enhancement of 3D Printability: The optimization of processing parameters, especially in the context of L-PBF technology, aims to achieve defect-resistant HESAs with high γ' volume fractions. This contributes to improving the 3D printability of the developed superalloys.
• Investigation of Thermodynamic Relationships: The project involves a thorough literature review and thermodynamic calculations to establish and validate relationships between configurational entropy and the γ' solvus temperature in Co- or CoNi-based superalloys.
• Materials Characterization and Advanced Manufacturing: Utilizing advanced materials characterization methods, such as scanning and transmission electron microscopies, micro-computed tomography, and mechanical testing, the project aims to understand and optimize the properties of the developed HESAs. Additionally, the research focuses on the application of innovative manufacturing processes like Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) and L-PBF.
• Contribution to Sustainable Metallurgy: The overall objectives align with the principles of sustainable metallurgy, encompassing both alloy design and development (indirect sustainability) and the enhancement of 3D printability for advanced superalloys (direct sustainability).
In summary, the project's overarching objectives aim to advance the understanding and application of HESAs, with a focus on improving their properties, optimizing manufacturing processes, and contributing to the sustainable development of metallurgical practices.
The work performed from the beginning of the project to the end of the reporting period has been comprehensive and has yielded significant results. The main achievements can be summarized as follows:
• Integration of High Entropy Alloys thermodynamics into CoNi-based superalloy design.
• Successful development of novel CoNi-based High Entropy Superalloys.
• Production of defect-resistant HESA powder using atomization technology.
• Investigation of processability via Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) and Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF).
• Optimization of both SPS and L-PBF technologies, enhancing mechanical and physical properties.
• Achievement of project objectives outlined in Table 1, including the development of a high γ' CoNi-based HESA powder feedstock for AM.
• Active collaboration with international institutions, fostering knowledge transfer and expertise sharing.
• Strategic shift towards innovative research areas based on emerging findings.
• Impactful dissemination of results through publications, conferences, and social media.
The project significantly advanced the understanding and application of High Entropy Superalloys, contributing to competitiveness and influencing future research directions. The results align with sustainability goals and have implications for aerospace, power technologies, and advanced manufacturing. The project's impact extends beyond research, demonstrated by the submission of innovative ERC-STG proposals and recognition in prestigious conferences.
The project has made remarkable progress beyond the state of the art, achieving results that surpass conventional approaches in metallurgy and materials science. The anticipated results until the end of the project, along with their potential impacts, are outlined below:
Progress Beyond the State of the Art:
• Novel Alloy Design Strategy: Introduced an accelerated design strategy for CoNi-based superalloys based on the correlation between configurational entropy and γ' solvus temperature. This innovative approach surpasses traditional alloy design methods.
• Defect-Resistant CoNi-based HESA: Demonstrated the defect-resistant nature of the developed HESA through L-PBF processing. This surpasses common challenges in additive manufacturing, providing a valuable contribution to the field.
• Optimized Processing Map: Developed a processing map for the developed CoNi-based HESA, enhancing understanding and control over the defect-free printing of high γ' superalloys. This goes beyond existing knowledge in the field.
Expected Results and Potential Impacts:
• Advanced Manufacturing Technologies: The defect-resistant HESA powder feedstock and optimized processing map contribute to the advancement of powder-based technologies, particularly in additive manufacturing. This can revolutionize manufacturing processes, reducing costs and improving product quality.
• Societal and Environmental Impacts: The project aligns with European Green Deal and Fit for 55 initiatives by addressing challenges related to energy efficiency and emissions reduction. The potential use of sustainable superalloys in critical industries has wider societal implications for sustainable development.
• Dissemination and Knowledge Transfer: The active dissemination of results through publications, conferences, and collaborations contributes to knowledge transfer within the scientific community. This can potentially inspire further research and advancements in the field.
Brief summary of the project objectives