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High Performance Computer and Quantum Simulator hybrid

Opis projektu

Integracja symulatorów kwantowych z klasycznymi superkomputerami

Integracja symulatorów kwantowych z istniejącymi europejskimi superkomputerami jest celem projektu HPCQS, sfinansowanego przez Wspólne Przedsięwzięcie w dziedzinie Europejskich Obliczeń Wielkiej Skali (EuroHPC JU). Wykorzystując innowacyjne podejście do przygotowania Europy na erę poeksaskalową, twórcy projektu przeprowadzą integrację dwóch symulatorów kwantowych (z których każdy kontroluje ponad 100 bitów kwantowych) w dwóch superkomputerach. Pierwszy z nich to Joliot Curie z firmy GENCI, francuskiej narodowej organizacji ds. obliczeń wielkiej skali. Drugi to JUWELS z niemieckiego Centrum Superkomputerów Jülich. Integrując kwantowy sprzęt z klasycznymi zasobami obliczeniowymi, podmioty badawcze i przemysły będą w stanie rozwiązywać złożone problemy w dziedzinach takich jak opracowywanie materiałów i leków, logistyka oraz transport.


The aim of HPCQS is to prepare European research, industry and society for the use and federal operation of quantum computers and simulators. These are future computing technologies that are promising to overcome the most difficult computational challenges. HPCQS is developing the programming platform for the quantum simulator, which is based on the European ATOS Quantum Learning Machine (QLM), and the deep, low-latency integration into modular HPC systems based on ParTec’s European modular supercomputing concept. A twin pilot system, developed as a prototype by the European company Pasqal, will be implemented and integrated at CEA/TGCC (France) and FZJ/JSC (Germany), both hosts of European Tier-0 HPC systems. The pre-exascale sites BSC (Spain) and CINECA (Italy) as well as ICECH (Ireland) will be connected to the TGCC and JSC via the European data infrastructure FENIX. It is planned to offer quantum HPC hybrid resources to the public via the access channels of PRACE. To achieve these goals, HPCQS brings together leading quantum and supercomputer experts from science and industry, thus creating an incubator for practical quantum HPC hybrid computing that is unique in the world. The HPC-QS technology will be developed in a co-design process together with selected exemplary use cases from chemistry, physics, optimization and machine learning suitable for quantum HPC hybrid calculations. HPCQS fits squarely to the challenges and scope of the call by acquiring a quantum device with two times 100+ neutral atoms. HPCQS develops the connection between the classical supercomputer and the quantum simulator by deep integration in the modular supercomputing architecture and will provide cloud access and middleware for programming and execution of applications on the quantum simulator through the QLM, as well as a Jupyter-Hub platform with safe access guarantee through the European UNICORE system to its ecosystem of quantum programming facilities and application libraries.

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