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Responsible Open Science in Europe

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ROSiE (Responsible Open Science in Europe)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-09-01 do 2024-02-29

The ROSiE project tackles ethical, and related social and legal challenges, arising from open science (OS). OS's promise to enhance science's effectiveness and societal relevance is offset by potential ethical dilemmas, such as misconduct and other unacceptable practices. ROSIE seeks to address these challenges by creating tools to embed ethics and integrity within OS. This effort enhances societal trust in science, making citizens active participants in the scientific endeavor.

Below are ROSiE recommendations for various stakeholders to ensure that OS in Europe maintains a foundation of strong ethical principles:

For Research Performing Organizations (RPOs):
1. Establish guidelines to unify diverse OS practices.
2. Provide resources to support ethical OS, accessible to all, including citizen scientists.
3. Offer ongoing OS training and education.

For Researchers:
1. Ensure open access to data while respecting ethical concerns like consent and privacy.
2. Keep detailed records to support transparency and reproducibility.
3. Share data and tools to foster collaboration.
4. Engage the public in science through citizen science projects, respecting and valuing their contributions.

For Research Funding Organizations (RFOs):
1. Include open data mandates in funding criteria.
2. Fund robust OS infrastructure.
3. Ensure equitable access to OS resources.

For Policymakers:
1. Harmonize OS policies across levels to streamline collaboration.
2. Support policies that integrate citizen science into OS.
3. Advocate for inclusivity, ensuring OS benefits all, including marginalized groups.

For Publishers and Academic Journals:
1. Support transparent and fair open access publishing.
2. Value diverse scientific outputs like datasets and software.

For Citizen Scientists:
1. Participate responsibly, understanding ethical implications.
2. Advocate for recognition of their contributions.

These guidelines aim to integrate responsible practices in OS, ensuring it not only accelerates innovation but also adheres to ethical, integrity, and inclusivity standards.
WP1 accomplished the conceptual and normative framework for tackling the ethical, epistemic, disciplinary and RI-related challenges of advancing OS practices (D1.3). The work done in WP 1 were exploited by WP5 (guidelines) and WP 7 (training materials).

WP2 accomplished a scientific paper on the social and legal implications and challenges of OS (D2.1); a scientific paper on the legal analysis of challenges in relation to fundamental rights, data protection, data sharing, intellectual property, and organization of data repositories including potential technological state of art solutions (D2.2); recommendations for addressing social challenges related to OS (D2.3); and a report on social and legal implications and challenges related to OS (D2.4).WP2 Findings were published on ROSiE website and the Embassy of Good Science, and are part of the Knowledge Hub.

WP3 delivered a report outlining the robust activities of the ROSiE stakeholder forum (D3.2);WP3's findings, including interviews and focus groups, were shared as insights on the ROSiE website and utilized by WP3 partners to publish an article.

WP4 wrapped up the activities of the cross-SwafS Forum, which were outlined in two reports: one on on the cross SwafS Stakeholder Forum workshops, specifically stakeholder engagement across multiple workshops and events (D4.1); and Horizontal Coordination & cross-SwafS Stakeholder Forum Report, outlining how the Cross-SwafS Stakeholder Forum engaged diverse experts via collaborative workshops, knowledge sharing, and integrating feedback into framework development (D4.2.) Monthly meetings disseminated ROSiE project results and facilitated their use within the community of practice.

WP5 delivered three documents: the strategy policy paper (D5.2); the policy document complementing the ECoC, aka the ROSiE General Guidelines on Responsible OS (D5.3); and the Discipline-related guidelines (D5.4). The WP5 guidelines are available on Zenodo, the ROSiE website, and the ROSiE Knowledge Hub.

WP6 delivered four documents: the final analysis and mapping of existing European and national OS infrastructures with regard to promoting responsible OS (D6.2); the beta version of the ROSiE Knowledge Hub (D6.4); the ROSiE Knowledge Hub (D6.5); plus, a bonus article on Responsible and ethical use of artificial intelligence in analysing and processing open data. The Knowledge Hub facilitates the effective utilization of ROSiE outcomes by providing easy access to relevant information and data.

WP7 accomplished the training materials plus instructions as stated in the report on the results of piloting the training materials (D7.2); the final version of the content of training materials for 2-days training for 4 groups of trainees in 4 fields of science (D7.3); and the set of instructions supporting trainers in using the teaching materials (D7.4). The training materials published in the Knowledge Hub, ENERI classroom, Zenodo, and the ROSiE YouTube channel. The training materials were registered in the UNESCO database for OS educational materials. A MOOC is being developed based on the training materials.

WP8 accomplished the release of the 2nd Promotional video(D8.4);update on information on significant events (D8.5); and the Second Short policy brief(D8.6). WP8 managed the communication and dissemination of all ROSiE outcomes, including the recent Roundtable Event in STOA in collaboration with the European Parliament.
1. UiO Resource Allocation: Dedicated resources for curating and expanding the ROSiE Knowledge Hub.
2. World Conference Presentation: Planned participation in the 8th World Conference of Research Integrity in Athens with a symposium, poster presentations, and promotional USB sticks containing ROSiE reports.
3. European Parliament Event Coverage: After the final ROSiE event, the European Parliament released videos and articles for public consumption.
4. ALLEA Endorsement: The All European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities endorses ROSiE Guidelines, promoting them on its website and social media.
5. Video Tutorials: Creation of video tutorials on responsible Open Science, planned for MOOC distribution through ideally the EU Academy.
6. Open Source e-Book: Upcoming launch of the e-book "Responsible Open Science," featuring articles based on ROSiE deliverables, to be published by Edward Elgar Publishing.
7. Expoitation in other projects: The ROSiE coordinator also coordinates 6 other projects, disseminating ROSiE materials and guidelines across them.
8. Integration into Courses: ROSiE training materials are being used in a research ethics course in UiO for Asian research ethics committee members and will later be integrated in a research ethics course for masters' students
9. PhD Projects Utilizing ROSiE Results: Several PhD projects at UiO and other institutions are leveraging ROSiE deliverables, focusing on ethical issues in Open Science.
10. RE4GREEN Project Participation: WP8 leaders are involved in the RE4GREEN project, which focuses on research ethics for the European Green Deal, providing another dissemination avenue for ROSiE results.
11. Extended Reach Initiatives**: Continued efforts to extend ROSiE’s impact through discussions for a new course on Open Science and advocating for the official adoption of the guidelines in Norwegian institutions.