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Supporting knowledge exchange between all AKIS actors in the Member States by means of an EU-wide interactive knowledge reservoir


Proposals should address the following activities:

  • Collect and enable sharing – as a minimum – of the outcomes of all multi-actor projects from Horizon 2020 and those from Horizon Europe, and of all EIP-AGRI Operational Group innovative projects 2014-2020 and of those to come in the 2021-2027 period. This should be done by developing, operating and fine-tuning the use of an open access and open source digital EU-wide knowledge reservoir for practice interoperable with the European innovation partnership ""Agricultural productivity and sustainability"" (EIP-AGRI). The knowledge reservoir should be refined to make the tool as interactive and interoperable as possible with Member States’ growing number of websites and knowledge reservoirs for agriculture and forestry practice, and integrate as much as possible practice-oriented project outcomes from any other funding source. Where needed, this may entail policy dialogues and small studies;
  • Develop this tool, which is to be owned and exploited by the EU, enabling it to serve the knowledge interactions within the EIP-AGRI network, in particular with a view to explore how to encourage emergence of new EIP-AGRI innovation projects by connecting projects and actors. To this end, the project should collaborate with the EIP-AGRI networks at Member State and at EU level;
  • Share the output of the EU knowledge reservoir as widely as possible, using existing dissemination channels for farmers and foresters and national/regional/local AKIS channels, with the support of AKIS coordination bodies and platforms in Member States. Explore the possibilities for translation of its content into EU languages;
  • Develop interactive communication activities on the outcomes of clusters of projects in the reservoir, so that the knowledge comes to life through workshops and encounters between AKIS’ actors, in particular those who have common interests across the EU. This will be the way to find out whether the knowledge reservoir meets end-users’ expectations. Through peer-to-peer activities and mixed actor events on dedicated parts of the content of the knowledge reservoir, enable innovations to arise from existing work, using the inputs and suggestions received from key actors all over the EU;
  • Use the collected material to develop educational material for students, farmers, foresters, advisors and others[[See the requirements for the 'multi-actor approach' in the introduction to this work programme part.]], and for encouraging on-farm demonstrations. Give input for training of advisors and farmers (or other users). All this material is to be exploited across Europe through real life, one-to-one and virtual activities;
  • The project should collaborate with all 27 EU Member States’ AKIS’ coordinating bodies[[“AKIS coordination bodies “ in the CAP plans are responsible for the management of the Member States AKIS’ strategies]] and related networks, and strongly connect to the EIP-AGRI at EU level. Make use of the AKIS coordination in each Member State to connect actors all over Europe working on specific subjects. This collaboration should serve to verify whether the reservoir indeed meets the expectations of Member States’ AKIS’ actors;
  • Make use of local connections in all 27 EU Member States to interpret the national/regional contexts, including in particular the innovation strand of national CAP Networks. Use the knowledge and innovation experts in the SCAR-AKIS Strategic Working Group to discuss the project strategy and progress at the various stages of the project;
  • Projects should have a minimum duration of 7 years, and build on the developments of the projects EURAKNOS[[]] and EUREKA[[]], and - if relevant - of similar international initiatives. They must implement the multi-actor approach, including as a minimum the EIP-AGRI and national CAP networks and AKIS actors from many Member States as well as IT-experts with experience in knowledge reservoirs. Proposals should include tasks to collaborate with these Horizon 2020 projects to take over the agreed IT standards and languages according to the outcomes of the feasibility discussions in EURAKNOS and EUREKA.