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Interactive Computing e-infrastructure for the Human Brain Project FET Flagship (FPA)


Within the Human Brain Project (HBP) Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) awarded under topic FETFLAG 1 - 2014 of the Call FET Flagships, the selected consortium will be invited to submit a proposal for a Specific Grant Agreement (SGA) that will define and deliver the e-infrastructure providing the interactive computing capacity that the HBP Flagship needs in the context of its large brain simulation activities, as indicated in the HBP FPA[[This action allows for the provision of financial support to third parties in line with the conditions set out in the part K of the General Annex]].

The proposal will support the Action Plan of the FPA by making available a computing and memory system with an expected peak performance of 50 PetaFlop/s and 20 PetaByte of memory footprint as required for HBP simulations and for an indicative period of five years. The components of the targeted system addressing interactive visualization and steering of large-scale brain simulations and their scalable integration ar