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Increasing the take up and scale-up of innovative solutions to achieve sustainable mobility in urban areas


Proposals should address one or several of the following domains:

―Traffic and travel avoidance: planning and location policy; innovative demand management approaches while providing citizens, businesses and organisations with minimum levels of access; less car dependent lifestyles.

―Optimising the use of existing infrastructure and vehicles: this may include smart pricing of parking, public transport and road use; increasing load factors and making the last mile more efficient in urban freight transport; integration between urban freight and passengers transport networks within appropriate city and transport planning governance; innovative use of passenger transport means; planning for increasing the resilience of the urban transport system to extreme weather events.

―Optimising design and use of multi-modals hubs and terminals for passengers and freight; integration of systems, (sustainable) modes and 'mobility as a service', more efficient transfers; transformation of districts; multi-purpose use of space for vehicles.

―Supporting modal shift towards more efficient modes: increased walking and cycling; urban waterborne transport; mobility management and travel awareness; increased attractiveness of public transport; new coordination and service concepts.

―New governance models for freight and passenger transport: better coordination and cooperation; synergies between passenger and freight transport; stakeholder engagement; public consultation and participation; education and training, policy transfer.

ITS solutions are covered in other topics of the Transport Challenge Work Programme and in other parts of Horizon 2020, but the integration of IT and ITS enablers for urban mobility measures needs to be fully considered.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 2 to 5 million each would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Many innovative solutions (supported by STEER[[Transport Strand of the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme.]], CIVITAS, national, regional, local, international and other initiatives) for sustainable urban mobility were locally developed or developed as self-standing projects in a variety of social, economic and geographical contexts. The specific challenge is to increase the take up of innovative solutions by transferring them to new contexts and studying and comparing the impacts. Special attention should be paid to social issues and implications. Where relevant, potential gender differences should be investigated.

Actions should demonstrate successfully transfer a single solution/approach or limited package of mutually reinforcing solutions/approaches from a small number of locations in Europe (indicatively not more than five) to at least ten new locations in Europe.

Building on clear commitments from action participants for a further Europe-wide take-up and rollout of results during and following the actions, they will result in new insights into the practical transferability of innovative solutions/approaches.

Actions will demonstrate how their activities will lead to faster, more cost-effective and larger scale deployment of a range of innovative (technological and non-technological) solutions/approaches to achieve sustainable mobility in urban areas. Possible (technological and non-technological) barriers and ways to overcome them should be identified and addressed by actions.