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Identification of gaps, barriers and needs in the aviation research


In 2016, the actions should address one the following areas:

―Identification of barriers for increased collaboration in aviation research at EU level involving countries and regions with lower participation in the EU Framework Programmes and recently Associated Countries such as Ukraine. The action should stimulate cooperation by creating and enhancing the links between the stakeholders of these countries and other aviation research intensive regions. Win-win situations and solutions for improved cooperation should be identified.

―Identification and assessment of the needs, gaps and overlaps for strategic aviation research infrastructures in Europe. The actions should establish an overview of the existing situation taking into account the results of previous actions on this issue. They should involve analysis on the potential sustainable business models and funding schemes to maintain existing or to develop new aviation research infrastructures.

In 2017, the actions should address one of the two following areas:

1) Provide on an annual basis a review of the state of the art of research and innovation including international benchmarking, identify gaps in the research landscape, bottlenecks to innovation (regulation, financing) and formulate recommendations to address those. The actions should address one or several of the following research domains of the ACARE Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda:



―Environment and energy

―Safety and security

A close cooperation with the relevant ACARE Working Groups and involvement of all main relevant stakeholders should be ensured. The actions should take into consideration R&D synergies with other sectors (e.g. batteries, composites, product lifecycle management). Special attention should be paid on the economic, environmental and mobility aspects of the long distance traveling.

2) Set up an open platform between EU and relevant third countries to reach out to research and innovation stakeholders (industry, research establishments and academia) and aviation research and innovation funding authorities in order to facilitate and increase collaboration along common research and innovation roadmaps. Proposers should take into account achievements of past and on-going cooperation initiatives such as the H2020 coordinated calls with Canada, China and Japan, and previous support actions[[Seventh Framework Programme support actions with Canada(CANNAPE), Brazil - Latin America (Coopair-LA), Japan (SUNJET), China (e.g. Aerochina, GRAIN2), South Africa (AeroAfrica-EU), Ukraine (AeroUkraine) and United States of America (CooperateUS) & EU-US Memorandum of Cooperation on civil aviation research in addition to the multinational aviation research forum (IFARs).

]]. Proposals can include organisation of workshops and studies to identify win-win opportunities, areas of common interest, barriers and solutions for improved cooperation in research and technology development as well as recommendations for future actions. Proposers should demonstrate relevant background in aviation research cooperation with third countries.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1 to 2 million each would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

The Advisory Council for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe (ACARE) has developed in 2012 a new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda that describes the actions needed to meet the highly ambitious goals set by Flightpath 2050. In order to ensure the achievement of these goals, regular assessment of progress, gaps and barriers is necessary and strong collaboration between all European stakeholders is required.

In 2017 attention will also be paid to collaborations with non-European stakeholders where relevant, in order to solve common challenges, leverage resources, mitigate risks and establish long-term relationships.

The actions will support to reach the goals set by the aviation sector in a more efficient and optimal way thorough assessment of the progress towards Flightpath 2050 goals[[

]], identification of future needs, gaps and barriers, and make recommendations for further actions. The actions will result also in providing solutions for improved research infrastructure for the European aviation sector adapted to the needs for achieving the long term goals. The actions will support also a more efficient use of the available research capabilities in Europe through creating new links between the stakeholders of EU Member States, Associated Countries and third Countries, stimulating the creation of transnational cooperation mechanisms in the aviation research.