New test rig devices for accelerating ocean energy technology development
The actions should generate one or more new test rig prototype devices including novel test procedures that should be used by multiple ocean energy technology developers, and facilitate design convergence. This will support improved testing of low TRL wave or tidal device components or sub-systems – e.g. facilities, tools and procedures - and make accelerated life testing possible, considering for instance efficiency, reliability, survivability and/or environmental impact.
Proposals are expected to connect and integrate the various capacities and resources of the beneficiaries and other ongoing European and national projects in the proposed research areas.
Proposals are expected to clearly indicate how the science is contributing to accelerated cost reductions in ocean energy.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 2 to 5 million would allow this challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
By 2050 ocean energy can contribute significantly to the renewable energy mix in Europe. As stated in the SET-Plan Ocean Energy Implementation Plan[[]] ocean energy costs must be reduced through, but not only, increased performance and reliability in order to meet its full potential. Researchers and industries are presenting innovative solutions, but to accelerate the development pathway to the market, new testing methodologies will help industries to take more quickly go/no-go decisions. For this a better understanding of basic ocean energy sciences is required to develop the research competences and the underpinning scientific knowledge for the testing methodologies.
It is expected that this action will accelerate and reduce the cost of the ocean energy technology development pathways. It should contribute to the exchange of knowledge and will progress the scientific understanding of ocean energy.