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Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid


Specific challenge: The limited driving range of electric vehicles is one of the biggest deployment challenges for electromobility. A ground-up re-design is needed to fully take advantage of the design freedoms and the opportunities in defining and developing the electric and electronic architecture and components. This should result in increased efficiency and range and make a major contribution towards the transition to fully electric vehicles (FEV's).

A particularly important element that needs to be addressed is the battery management system (BMS), which is fundamental for many aspects of electrified vehicle performance, from energy efficiency (and therefore range) to safety, battery life and reliability.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) significantly contribute to enhancing the energy efficiency and thus the range of the vehicle by providing accurate prediction of the range and offering personalised options and services to the driver. Furthermore ICT supports recharging that is coordinated with the local electric grid capabilities. Such coordination must accommodate not only passenger EVs, but also meet the requirements of electric buses, vans or trucks, which are expected to require high-powered fast recharging.

Scope: Proposals should address one of the following complementing domains and could include interfaces between these domains:

      EV concepts featuring a complete revision of the electric and electronic architecture to reduce complexity and the number of components and interconnections, whilst improving energy efficiency, functionality and modularity. This may be supported by drive-by-wire or wireless communication, as well as advanced energy storage, transmission and conversion systems including miniaturisation. Challenges in safety, security, reliability and robustness, including electro-magnetic compatibility, are to be addressed. Work shall pursue a high degree of standardisation and cover the entire electric vehicle value chain.

      Concerning BMS research work will focus on a combination of the following aspects:

–      Novel BMS designs with improved thermal management, power density and life time, safety and reliability.

–      Improved modelling and simulation tools for BMS improvement.

–      Contribution to standardisation of BMS components and interfaces.

–      Test methodologies and procedures to evaluate the functional safety, reliability and lifetime of battery systems.

      Integration of the overall cycle of EV energy management into a comprehensive EV battery and ICT-based re-charging system management, providing ergonomic and seamless user support. Such integration should build upon existing technology standards and may address:

–      Digital support for EVs such as common information model, market place interaction and service provision based on wireless / power line communication interfaces, roaming management, energy consumption and supply as well as cost.

–      Interoperability of EVs with the communication infrastructure and electricity grid regarding locally deployed smart-grid and smart-metering systems while investigating arising operational issues.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 5 to 10 million each would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected impact: Proposals will have to contribute to the expected impacts listed below whenever relevant for the selected domain:

      Improvements in the cost-performance ratio of EV contributing to quicker market take-up.

      Enhancements to vehicle range and/or weight, battery life and reliability without compromising on safety - delivering a more robust and well managed battery system.

      Standardised BMS components and interfaces.

      Progress on ICT-based technologies for coordinated EV recharging.

      Improved attractiveness of EVs, achieved through a seamless and ergonomic energy management cycle (spanning the entire cycle from re-charging spot selection/reservation to plug-out after re-charging).

      Contributions to standardisation strengthening the competiveness of the European industry.

Type of action: Research and Innovation Actions