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Demand response in blocks of buildings


Specific challenge: demand response enables end users to participate actively in energy markets and profit from optimal price conditions, making the grid (heat, cold, electricity) more efficient and contributing to the integration of renewable energy sources. The Energy Efficiency Directive adopted in 2012 contains provisions to encourage market actors to facilitate demand response. At the building level, increasing use of energy management technologies for both thermal and electric loads will act as an enabler for the deployment of demand response in both residential and non-residential buildings (e.g. offices). Such systems may be integrated with thermic/electric storage technologies and micro combined heat and power installations (CHP). Considering the important contribution of buildings and occupants to energy efficiency, there is therefore a need for ensuring that buildings have proper energy management systems in place to ensure consumers' engagement and demand response activations.

Scope: At the level of a block of buildings, the focus should be on real time optimisation of energy demand, storage and supply (including self-production when applicable) using intelligent energy management systems with the objective of reducing the difference between peak power demand and minimum night time demand, thus reducing costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Cost-effective and interoperable solutions that do not compromise the comfort of occupants should be demonstrated for a block of buildings consisting of at least 3 different buildings in real life operating conditions. Solutions should be compatible with smart grids and open international standards and with the distribution network infrastructure.

The activities are expected to be implemented at TRL 6-7 (please see part G of the General Annexes).

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 3 and 5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected impact: Proposals showing that demand response can be implemented at the level of blocks of buildings with the help of intelligent energy management systems and without unreasonable effort and complexity while triggering substantial energy and cost savings. Moreover, proposals that shed light on the added value of installing demand response facilities for building blocks instead of individual buildings and on the willingness of consumers to participate in demand response solutions. Impacts should be measured in energy and cost savings. Impacts should also be measured for the willingness and capability of consumers to participate in demand response solutions.

Type of action: Innovation Actions