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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2022-07-06

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SECPID 2017 - Workshop on Secyrity, Privacy, and Identity Management in the Cloud at ARES 2017

* How can cloud services be made more trustworthy?
* How can we build distributed systems without single point of failure or trust?
* How to design end-to-end secure services in an untrusted environment?
* Which methodologies and technologies are required to integrate security and privacy by design?
* Is it possible to give back users full control over which data they want to reveal when and to whom?

29 Sierpnia 2017 - 2 Września 2017
© Agi Karyda
Over the last years, the computing paradigm has experienced a massive shift from local to cloud-based applications. As a result, users and organisations do no longer have full control over their data and services, but they rely on third-party cloud providers.

This development poses various challenges concerning the integrity and confidentiality of data as well as the privacy of users of such systems. Currently, no satisfactory solutions to these challenges exist, which is a roadblock for the large-scale deployment of cloud-based applications handling sensitive data such as electronic health records.

The two H2020 projects CREDENTIAL and PRISMACLOUD are organising a Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Identity Management in the Cloud at this year's ARES conference, the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security on August 29 - September 2, 2017 in Reggio Calabria, Italy.

The aim of this symposium is to provide a platform to discuss innovative ideas related to the following questions: How can cloud services be made more trustworthy? How can we build distributed systems without single point of failure or trust? How to design end-to-end secure services in an untrusted environment? Which methodologies and technologies are required to integrate security and privacy by design? Is it possible to give back users full control over which data they want to reveal when and to whom?

Project Abstracts
The ambition of PRISMACLOUD is to develop and show-case cryptographic tools that protect the security and privacy of user data during its lifecycle in the cloud. In particular, the project focuses on the development of (information theoretically) secure storage solutions as well as efficient, privacy preserving yet verifiable computing on authenticated data.

Complementary to this, CREDENTIAL aims at developing privacy friendly means for storing and sharing personal data in the cloud, and at realising an “identity and access management as a service” system supporting publicly certified identity data.

Call for Papers

Topics of interest comprise but are not limited to:
* Malleable signatures
* Privacy-preserving authentication
* Proxy cryptography
* Format preserving encryption
* Order preserving encryption
* Secret sharing
* Cloud cryptography
* Secure distributed systems
* Security and privacy in web services
* Security and privacy in cloud scenarios
* Fault tolerance in distributed systems
* Auditing of cloud based systems
* Transparency-enhancing technologies
* Identity management
* Authentication and authorization
* Application areas (smart cities, etc.)

We are happy to welcome papers from people in academia, industry and the public sector, who would like to share their results, knowledge and experience. Questions about submission can be sent at or

Submission Deadline: April 15, 2017
Author Notification: June 1, 2017
Proceedings Version: June 20, 2017
Conference: August 29 - September 2, 2017

The full CFP is located at:

Research Papers shall be submitted via the main ARES submission site:

Słowa kluczowe

cryptography, cloud computing, privacy by design, identity management, security, privacy, malleable signatures