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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2022-07-06

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The Cyber Security Challenges in the IoT Era

This webinar gives key insight on the top cybersecurity and privacy issues in IoT devices, and the threats that are targeting them, while zooming in on some real use-case scenarios developed by key initiatives funded by the European Commission to tackle these issues: ANASTACIA, CREATE-IoT and mF2C.

11 Grudnia 2019 - 11 Grudnia 2019
Online, Italy
Purpose and Scope:

In our hyper-connected world, the Internet of Things (IoT) calls for rapid digital transformation across industries and society.

With around 18 billion connected devices related to IoT forecast by 2022 (Ericsson report) this new connected world needs new thinking about cybersecurity and privacy.

While IoT devices are now commonly used in smart homes, smart cities and self-driving cars bringing in numerous benefits such as effective communication between devices, automating things, saving time and cost, they also bring vulnerabilities and unprecedented security challenges.

This webinar gives key insight on the top cybersecurity and privacy issues in IoT devices, and the threats that are targeting them, while zooming in on some real use-case scenarios developed by key initiatives funded by the European Commission to tackle these issues: ANASTACIA, CREATE-IoT and mF2C.

Registration: The webinar is free of charge. You can register here:

Who should attend:

The webinar is open to all interested in IoT security such as IT Managers, Engineers, Solution Architects, Policy Makers and other information security stakeholders.

Key takeaways:

- Learn more about practical tools and solutions to reduce cyber risk and threats
- Get insights on different opportunities of securing IoT devices in different areas and use cases
- Learn IoT Security best practices from international experts
- Become part of our cybersecurity community.

Draft Agenda:

11:00 -11:05 - Introduction and Clustering activities - Dr. Michel Drescher, Oxford University,

11:05 - 11:15 - Using IoT platform security with mF2C to develop scalable secure edge-to-cloud applications - Dr. Jens Jensen, principal scientist, UKRI-STFC, mF2C

11:15 - 11:25 - The LSPs programme: privacy and security in IoT - Dr. Pasquale Annicchino - Archimede Solutions SARL​, CREATE-IoT

11:25 - 11:30 - Q&A

11:30 - 11:40 – ANASTACIA H2020 project: Dynamic security management of disitrbuted IoT/CPS scenarios, Dr Antonio Skarmeta, Professor Universidad de Murcia scientific coordinator H2020 ANASTACIA

11:40 - 11:50 - The legal challenges and opportunities of IoT - Anastasia Botsi, ICT Legal,

11:50 - 11:55 - Q&A

11:55 - 12:00 - Closing Remarks

Registration: The webinar is free of charge. You can register here:

Słowa kluczowe

cybersecurity, iot, internet of things, privacy, data protection

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