Dresden focuses on sustainable urban development for a climate-friendly future
Dresden, 25 September 2019. Solar power from in-house solar systems for tenants, commitment to e-mobility - together with the city administration, DREWAG and Vonovia are driving the energy revolution forward: as a result of good cooperation, the housing company has replaced three pool vehicles with combustion engines with three electric vehicles. Today, DREWAG- Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH handed over two charging points on the Vonovia employee parking lot. "Vonovia is aware of its social and ecological responsibility", underlines Stefanie Hufen, innovation manager at Vonovia. "We are not only landlords, but also employers and a part of the Dresden urban society. It is therefore important for us to actively contribute to climate protection." Dresden as Lighthouse for Smart-City-Solutions The housing company is currently working with the state capital Dresden and municipal utility DREWAG in the EU project "MAtchUP", to test how living can be designed in an environmentally conscious and sustainable manner and at the same time significantly improve the quality of life of citizens. "Dresden is on its way to a smart city", says Dr. Robert Franke, Head of the Business Development Department. "With its strong technological expertise and excellent research facilities, Dresden is in a position to develop solutions that can serve as models for other cities. In many areas, such as road traffic, we have already implemented intelligent concepts," Dr. Franke continues. "With MAtchUP we are participating in a European project and can thus be a pioneer for the development of an urban charging infrastructure," explains the chief of the Dresden business development. In "MAtchUP", Saxony's state capital, together with numerous partners, is further developing its vision for the future of sustainable living in an innovative city with attractive mobility concepts and a sustainable electricity and heat supply. The EU project began in November 2017 and will run until September 2022. Johannstadt becomes a smart city district The municipality intends to further expand its leading role as a Smart City and to establish itself as a pilot city for e-mobility. Among other things, more than 30 charging points for electric vehicles will be installed. The focus of the 48 individual measures also includes energy supply, energy efficiency, digitization and citizen participation. The pilot district is Johannstadt, which is to become a smart urban district. See full article: http://www.matchup-project.eu/news/dresden-focuses-on-sustainable-urban-development-for-a-climate-friendly-future/
Słowa kluczowe
smart cities, sustainability, mobility, climate change, energy efficiency