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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2023-03-24

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14th Issue of MaCuMBA Project News Now Available

The 14th issue of the MaCuMBA (Marine Microorganisms: Cultivation Methods for Improving their Biotechnological Applications) project newsletter is now available to download from the project’s website: MaCuMBA is a four-year EC FP7-funded project that aims to uncover the untold diversity of marine microbes using cultivation-dependent strategies.

In this issue of MaCuMBA Project News: MaCuMBA Project Coordinator Prof Lucas Stal, from the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) in the Netherlands, enthusiastically discusses MaCuMBA’s grand finale event, entitled ‘The Marine Microbiome – Discovery & Innovation,’ where an Open Science Meeting will be held ‘face-to-face’ with an Industry Conference in order to facilitate exciting opportunities and interactions for both sectors. This conference is due to take place in Berlin-Adlershof, Germany, from 27-30 June 2016. A preliminary programme for the event is available in this newsletter. Other interesting information outlined in this issue includes a breakdown of the 1337 different microorganism strains that have been isolated during the MaCuMBA project and details on how to access the four Culture Collections where they are housed. For more information about MaCuMBA or its final conference, please visit: or contact Marieke Reuver, email: For all the latest updates from the project please follow MaCuMBA on Twitter (@MaCuMBAProject) and like it on Facebook ( Note for Editors MaCuMBA is coordinated by the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) and is a joint venture of 22 partner institutions from 11 EU countries. MaCuMBA aims to improve the isolation rate and growth efficiency of marine microorganisms from conventional and extreme habitats by applying innovative methods and using automated high-throughput procedures. AquaTT is the communication and dissemination partner for the project. For more information and press queries, contact Marieke Reuver, AquaTT Programme Manager, E-mail: Detailed partner profiles are available on request.


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