In 2016, we began developing PAPER SOLUTIONS machinery and packaging technology with our partners. In 2017, our prototype was built and could handle paper with thickness of 85gr/sm and wrap flat items with a height of 6 mm (thickness of a magazine) with a production rate of 19,000 items/hour. However, the scrap rate was still high at 13%. Redevelopment of the control software and the rotative cutter for better cutting accuracy, including testing and refinement, culminated in a production rate of 30,000 items/h, scrap rate <7%, processable paper thickness of 100gr/sm and increased item height of 10mm. A market analysis and commercial assessment was also performed, showing a rapidly growing market, limited competition, and no IP conflicts. Finally, the financial plan confirmed the viability of the project with affordable risks, potential partners, an attractive raw material supply chain and multiple investors interested.