Periodic Reporting for period 2 - COHESiV (Coherent Optomechanical and Hyperfine interactions Engineering with Silicon-Vacancy impurities in diamond for quantum networks)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-02-01 al 2023-01-31
In order to increase this storage time, we have investigated nuclear spins that are located closely to one another in the diamond lattice and form pairs. We could show that such nuclear spin pairs can store quantum information for over a minute thanks to a combination of specific characteristics that considerably increase their insensitivity to their environment.
Finally, we have investigated a recently discovered impurity in diamond, namely the tin-vacancy centre. This impurity shares a lot of similarities with the silicon-vacancy centre and also possesses a spin. However, it displays superior optical properties. We have thus incorporated single tin-vacancy centres into photonic crystal cavities, which are nanostructures. We showed that these cavities could enhance considerably the interaction of the tin-vacancy with light. This is particularly important to use light to transfer information efficiently across a quantum network and connect distant spins.
We have shown that nuclear spin pairs display one of the longest coherence times among solid-state platforms. Investigating the mechanisms that allow them to store information for such a long time helps understand how to reduce the sensitivity of quantum systems to their environment and thus make them more robust against errors in quantum algorithms.
Finally, searching for more promising quantum systems such as the tin-vacancy centre and enhancing their connectivity by incorporating them in nanostructures contributes to building the most efficient quantum network node for future quantum communications and quantum computing.
These results were published in the following research articles: Physical Review X 12, 011056 (2022), Physical Review X 12, 011048 (2022) and Applied Physics Letters 118 (23) (2021). They were also presented at international conferences and at seminars, including at national laboratories and to industrial actors active in the field to foster the development of quantum technologies.