Periodic Reporting for period 1 - 2STOP_TBE (Structural Openings to Understand and Prevent Tick Borne Encephalitis)
Berichtszeitraum: 2018-05-18 bis 2020-05-17
Developing antivirals is a challenging task. There are several strategies to tackle it, but none of them can be successful without detailed understanding about the virus we are targeting. We need to know the fine details about how the virus is built and how viral proteins function. We need to know how viruses mutate and identify which parts of the virus are likely to change over time, and which are not. We need to know which proteins of our bodies are important for the virus to grow, and which will inhibit it.
The goal of the project 2STOP_TBE was to provide important knowledge about TBEV that can be used for discovery of therapeutic measures against this virus. We sought to provide the details about the architecture of TBEV, about the important changes of viral structure happening the life cycle, describe how viral proteins function and mutate, and identify which cellular proteins are important for the virus. Such knowledge will allow to target the virus, viral proteins or even host proteins supporting development of antivirals.
As viruses are so small, they have to manipulate the infected cells in order to replicate themselves and to escape from immune responses. Understanding virus-host interactions can provide insights into viral inhibition, and we addressed them from two different perspectives. First, we looked at the structure and function of viral proteins that are involved in virus host interactions. We purified TBEV polymerase NS5---an enzyme that copies viral genomes---and developed and activity test that allows us to screen libraries of chemical compounds to find NS5 inhibitors. We also looked at viral protein NS1, which is a major regulator of TBEV-host interactions. We obtained initial data about NS1 and NS5 structure and continue working towards the high-resolution 3D models of these proteins. Viral non-structural proteins such as NS1 and NS5 usually mutate slower that proteins of the virion, and therefore represent promising targets for antivirals.
Second, we investigated which cellular proteins of the cell are needed by the virus. For this, we turned off almost every single gene in the cells one by one using a method called CRISPR/Cas9 genetic screening. Turning off some of the genes rendered cells resistant to TBEV, and we identified 13 cellular proteins that are critical for this virus. Inhibiting these proteins can be another promising strategy for TBEV drug discovery. Cellular proteins are usually less prone for mutation and therefore such host-directed antivirals can be efficient in a long run.
Finally, are viruses always mutate, we addressed which parts of viral proteins are genetically stable, and which are variable. We compared sequences of some viral proteins from different TBEV strains using a method called sequence alignment and mapped the results of structural models of viral proteins. Such an analysis allows to identify druggable regions of viral proteins and provides useful information to predict drug and vaccine efficacy.
Project results were disseminated beyond academic community, increasing general public awareness about TBEV and other pathogenic viruses, as well as about how viruses are studies and how therapeutics can be developed.