Periodic Reporting for period 4 - SMAC-MC (Small Molecule Activation by Main-Group Compounds)
Período documentado: 2023-01-01 hasta 2023-12-31
This research project focussed on the interesting possibility to perform small molecule activation with main-group compounds that, in contrast to many transition metal catalysts, consist entirely of cheap earth-abundant elements. The overall objective of the project was to find new ways to achieve small molecule activation using main-group compounds that typically do not display such reactivity. Of key interest were main-group diradicaloids, compounds with metal-metal bonds and metalloid clusters, frustrated Lewis pairs as well as electron precise boron compounds. The planned initiatives were primarily of fundamental scientific importance but also of potential practical value as many main-group systems, such as frustrated Lewis pairs, are currently being examined as novel metal-free catalysts. The project resulted in the synthesis and characterization of several new main-group systems for small molecule activation and uncovered the mechanisms by which these interesting and novel species function.