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EnduroSat provides innovative space communication satellite solutions.

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - InnoSpaceComm (EnduroSat provides innovative space communication satellite solutions.)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-08-01 do 2019-02-28

InnoSpaceComm project aims to deliver to market outstanding class-leading space communication CubeSat/NanoSat modules which are designed, engineered and built in an innovative way at a fraction of the cost and in significantly shorter time. The modules have clear potential for a fast market up-take and unique price/performance, thanks to the complete in-house production and warehouse, resulting in a significant reduction of development time and efforts. Furthermore, EnduroSat will demonstrate the disruptive advantage and high capability of the new communication modules by initiating Space to Ground data service (Ground station).
The unique approach of the project connects the engineering activities with the cutting-edge education and research from the initial stage of development. The company will offer free educational communication modules for simulation of satellite signals in the classroom and advance training on how best to leverage the professional communication infrastructure. Through InnoSpaceComm project EnduroSat team will provide a well-prepared course online as part of the current cooperation with Space Challenges Program and Spaceport Online Platform. European universities and high-schools will benefit directly from the InnoSpaceComm, learning how to use the advanced satellite communication modules and service for their benefit. This will ensure the sustainability and applicability of the project objectives and results long term.
With the exponential growth in satellite missions and specifically in the CubeSat/NanoSat segment (Fig. 1), a major challenge is the lack of high-speed communication with the ground and the very high-pricing options of the existing Ground Station networks in Europe (exceeding in some cases 50 000 EUR per month service). This limits severely the capability for many research groups and SME-driven satellite missions to download and transmit large amount of data. InnoSpaceComm project will enable EnduroSat to enter the market with outstanding competitive products and service, solving the lack of access to affordable space communication. The aim is to achieve disruptive innovation, not gradual improvement on satellite communication modules and service-level. EnduroSat’ clients and partners will be able to receive the data directly through EnduroSat’ Ground Station and cloud service and focus entirely on data utilization and applications, thus saving significant time, cost and risk.
In the first 12 months InnoSpaceComm project has made notable achievements. EnduroSat team continues to create new job opportunities and ensure the next steps of the company development by significantly strengthening the human resources. During the second reporting period the S-band receiver and X-band transmitter were developed further. Initial tests for data rate speed have been successfully carried-out. S-band and X-band antennae also underwent initial functional and RF-tests. The overall system design has been finalised and work has begun on the functional development of the modules as well as the testing campaign. The User manuals for all communication modules have also been delivered. During the reviewed period the Ground Station passed successfully FAT (final assembly test) at the provider’s premises as well as full cycle technical tests and was delivered successfully in Bulgaria for assembly and functional tests.
Being the only space and SME Instrument Phase 2 company in Bulgaria, EnduroSat was invited and presented at various events during the Bulgarian EU Presidency. EnduroSat CEO was invited as key note speaker at several conferences, presenting EnduroSat and the InnoSpaceComm project in front of EU ministers and officials. (Pic.2 Pic.3 and Pic.4)
The beta version of the webpage is substituted by a unique and visually creative webpage solely dedicated to InnoSpaceComm products and services The website is being developed and it will be finalized, meeting the deadline in month 18. The InnoSpaceComm website will enable unprecedented access to all end-users to the space modules and Ground station services, as well as the "Free space demo module” sign up form. Even at the moments the website permits customers and partners to register for both the commercial and educational products and services.
More than 12 hours of content for video tutorials on satellite operation and communication has been produced and currently all video materials are undergoing post processing and enhancement. To enhance the visibility of the InnoSpaceComm educational part, EnduroSat printed an attractive informative leaflet, that was distributed during various events and occasions (Pic. 5)
The successful implementation of the InnoSpaceComm project will open vast opportunities for innovative services and data-driven applications to European entrepreneurs and SME companies. It will provide them with access to the market much faster. The goal is to secure new communication infrastructure space-ground-space for communication and data transmission at price-level up to 15 times lower than the current market (as low as 100 EUR per GB or less) and to develop an educational program supporting it. This way EU companies will focus directly on Earth-based applications and services and data analysis (examples: more advanced Smart city solutions, unique space education with hands-on experience, bigger data transfers capability, Earth observation downlink, disaster management data).
As a result, Europe will have access to completely new space-based application-oriented communication infrastructure opening an array for new opportunities to all European start-ups, SMEs and educational institutions. The disruptive EnduroSat concept and satellite systems will lead to new sets of services, values and models which will ultimately create new markets and niches on European and later, on global level.
Long-term, InnoSpaceComm will guarantee the development of European space sector in low Earth orbit and beyond. The project will provide direct access to space know-how through practice-oriented satellite communication education and real satellite modules and service. Education is the backbone of economic development and InnoSpaceComm will bring tangible value by bridging satellite technology and education and guaranteeing access to space communication for thousands of new users and players.
The future space infrastructure, based on InnoSpaceComm, will disrupt positively the EU satellite communication business and open vast new opportunities for the new generation of European space entrepreneurs.
Second version of InnoSpaceComm leaflet
EnduroSat CEO in discussion with Commissioner Moedas and EU Ministers
Present Director-General of DG Research and Innovation at the EC at EnduroSat booth
Snapshot from Space Works Report 2017 of the Nano/Microsatellite launch history and projections.