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Rural Riches. The bottom-up development of Post-Roman Northwestern Europe (450-640)

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Vreemd volk uit Geldrop. Het graf van een man met een exotisch gordelgarnituur uit circa 680 na Chr.

Autori: F. Theuws
Pubblicato in: Overpeinzingen op een Vuilnisbelt. Liber amicorum aangeboden aan Wijnand van der Sanden ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als conservator bij het Drents museum, Numero 2020, 2020, Pagina/e 190-205, ISBN 9789493194038
Editore: Barkhuis, Groningen

Long distance trade and the rural population of northern Gaul

Autori: Theuws
Pubblicato in: The Oxford Handbook of the Merovingian World, 2020, Pagina/e 883-915
Editore: Oxford University Press

Merovingian beads from settlement burials in the Kempen in a wider context

Autori: M. Langbroek
Pubblicato in: Distributing the dead Settlement burials in the pagus Texandrië and the transformation of Merovingian society c. 700 ad (Geldrop, Dommelen, Veldhoven, Mierlo) (Southern Netherlands), 2023, Pagina/e 132-167, ISBN 978-3-7749-4373-5
Editore: Habelt Verlag Bonn

Merovingian settlements in the southern Netherlands: development, social organisation of production and symbolic topography

Autori: Theuws, F.
Pubblicato in: J. Haberstroh/I. Heitmeier (eds.), Gründerzeit. Siedlung in Bayern zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter, 2019, Pagina/e 355-382, ISBN 978-3-8306-7941-7
Editore: EOS Verlag

Burial archaeology and the transformation of the Roman world in northern Gaul (4th to 6th centuries)

Autori: Theuws, F.
Pubblicato in: S. Brather-Walter (ed.): Archaeology. History and Biosciences. Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2019, Pagina/e 125-150, ISBN 9783-110616651
Editore: De Gruyter

Transparency in the eighth century. Glass at the dawn of a major change

Autori: Van Wersch, L.
Pubblicato in: M. Kars, R. van Oosten, M.A. Roxburgh, A. Verhoeven (eds.), Rural Riches & Royal Rags? Studies on medieval and modern archaeology, presented to Frans Theuws,, 2018, Pagina/e 75-79, ISBN 978-90-8932-140-4
Editore: SPA publishers

Exchanges with the Dead: Economic Aspects of Reopening graves.

Autori: Van Haperen, M.
Pubblicato in: M. Kars, R. van Oosten, M.A. Roxburgh, A. Verhoeven (eds.), Rural Riches & Royal Rags? Studies on medieval and modern archaeology, presented to Frans Theuws,, 2018, Pagina/e 110-114, ISBN 978-90-8932-140-4
Editore: SPA-publishers

Early medieval amber beads in Northern Gaul

Autori: Langbroek, M.
Pubblicato in: M. Kars, R. van Oosten, M.A. Roxburgh, A. Verhoeven (eds.), Rural Riches & Royal Rags? Studies on medieval and modern archaeology, presented to Frans Theuws, 2018, Pagina/e 105-109, ISBN 978-90-8932-140-4
Editore: SPA publishers

Complementary cemeteries and the significance of the place of the interment

Autori: Lippok, F.
Pubblicato in: M. Kars, R. van Oosten, M.A. Roxburgh, A. Verhoeven (eds.), Rural Riches & Royal Rags? Studies on medieval and modern archaeology, presented to Frans Theuws, 2018, Pagina/e 92-95, ISBN 978-90-8932-140-4
Editore: SPA publishers

Een vroegmiddeleeuws graf aan de rand van de nederzetting.

Autori: Lippok, F.
Pubblicato in: Norde, E.H.L.D. (ed). RAAP-RAPPORT 3855. Nederzettingsresten uit de vroege middeleeuwen in het plangebied Leeuwesteyn Noord in Leidsche Rijn, deel 1,, 2019, Pagina/e 91-99
Editore: RAAP

Long-distance trade and the rural population of Northern Gaul

Autori: F. Theuws
Pubblicato in: The Oxford Handbook of the Merovingian World, Numero 2020, 2020, Pagina/e 883-915, ISBN 9780190234188
Editore: OxfordUniversity Press

Distributing the Dead. Settlement burials in de pagus Texandrië and the transformation of Merovingian society c. 700 AD (Geldrop, Dommelen, Veldhoven, Mierlo) (Southern Netherlands)

Autori: F. Theuws
Pubblicato in: Merovingian Archaeology in the Low Countries, Numero 8, 2023, ISBN 978-3-7749-4373-5
Editore: Habelt Verlag Bonn

Early medieval Tesserae in Northwestern Europe

Autori: Van Wersch, L., L. Verslype, D. Strivay, F. Theuws (eds.)
Pubblicato in: 2019, ISBN 978-3-7749-4203-5
Editore: Habelt Verlag

Het vroegmiddeleeuwse grafveld van Broechem. The early medieval cemetery of Broechem.

Autori: Annaert, R.
Pubblicato in: 2018, ISBN 978-3-7749-4174-8
Editore: Habelt Verlag

Wereld van kralen. De omzwervingen van barnsteen in de Merovingische periode

Autori: Langbroek, M.
Pubblicato in: MADOC, Numero 32-3, 2018, Pagina/e 140-150, ISSN 0922-369X
Editore: Uitgeverij Verloren

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