Periodic Reporting for period 2 - NANO (Low-Cost Real-Time Nanomagnetooptical Integrity Monitoring Tool and Intelligent Asset Integrity, Risk and Performance Management Software)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2018-01-01 al 2018-12-31
EQS aims to deliver a low-cost highly sensitive real-time remote monitoring tool and a intelligent web-based software to manage asset integrity, safety and performance, for the Oil, Gas, Chemicals and Energy markets. This new disruptive market solution, based on nanotechnology, will increase the resilience of critical energy installations and networks, allowing the reduction of human losses, avoiding energy production disruption, minimizing environmental and economic impact and material damage from natural and man-made disasters.
The NANO concept is to provide a cost-efficient real-time asset management solution, capable of performing the screening of degradation, condition assessment, safety and environmental monitoring in large pipelines, process equipment, industrial plants, terminals and offshore structures.
The monitoring tool will be the first combining nanotechnology with magnetostrictive generated ultrasonic Guided Waves and Fibre Bragg Gratting. Through an advanced material fabrication process, it will be possible to have a low cost monitoring solution with higher sensitivity level than any other inspection tools. The Asset Management software will bring the novelty of combining physical and human assets risk management and asset integrity monitoring data.
It will be also possible to obtain 3D web visualization of the asset’s integrity, safety and performance, providing qualitative and quantitative information to improve decisions.
Work Package 1 – Coordination and management (Task T1.1: Decision Making Management; Task T1.2: Administrative Coordination; Task T1.3: Financial Management; Task T1.4: Value Chain and Contractual Management; Task T1.5: Assessment of Progress and Results)
Work Package 2 – MOT Final Development (Task T2.1: Wave Emitter Assembly; Task T2.2: Pulse Emitter Final Development; Task T2.3 FBG Receiver Sensor Optimization; Task T2.4: Product Design).
Work Package 3 – Hybrid Data Acquisition (Task T3.1: Acquisition Box Electrical Circuit Development; Task T3.2: DAQ Guided Wave Programming and Design; Task 3.3: Product Design and Certification; Task 3.4: Hybrid DAQ Option Development)
Work Package 4 – Management System Development (Task T4.1: Advanced Algorithms; Task T4.2: NDT Simulation Tool; Task T4.3: Engineering Intelligent Analysis; Task T4.4: Risk Management; Task T4.5: 3D Asset Management; Task 4.6: Interconnection with other NDT Technologies; Task T4.7: Development of Mobile Applications).
Work Package 5 – Tests and Validation (Task T5.1: Mock-ups; Task T5.2: Laboratory Tests; Task T5.3: Pilot Project on Refinery/Petrochemical Plant).
Work Package 6 – Dissemination & Exploitation (Task T6.2: Workshops, Conferences and Trade-Fares; Task T6.3: Dissemination; Task T6.4: IP Management).
Regarding the Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of the project’s results, and considering this specific period (M6 – M12), contacts with potential clients have already being made in order to achieve expected impact. The communication plan is totally aligned with the promotion of the new brand UNO. The new brand will be the highlight of the project results dissemination, following EQS strategy for the creation of a new spin-off business supported on the products developed on NANO project.
Furthermore, the business plan development (Task 6.1) is already under development in order to define the entrance to the market strategy. A dissemination plan is also under development and is being implemented on months 13th to 24th. Dissemination plan as described in the DoA will be updated according to the dissemination described on section 1.2.6 Work package 6 – Task T6.3 Dissemination above on this report.
Based on the market and scientific research, NANO solution is genuinely the first cost-efficient monitoring solution that integrates monitoring technology, engineering advanced integrity analysis and risk management (societal and individual, safety and environmental) dedicated to critical oil, gas, chemicals and energy installations and networks. For this reason, EQS is determined to become the flagship company in the industry.
The ambition is to successfully introduce NANO monitoring solution into the global market as a brand new solution, with its own space and applications, competing side-by-side with the existing alternative/dominant products (direct competitors) but offering more benefits at a lower price and unique engineering and risk management capabilities. The ultimate ambition is to turn this disruptive technology into a standard/dominant solution globally and the preferred asset management tool for critical assets.
This new disruptive market solution will increase the resilience of critical energy installations and networks, allowing the reduction of human losses, avoiding energy production disruption, minimizing the environmental and economic impact and material damage from natural and man-made disasters. NANO will increase shareholders value by increasing asset availability and dramatically reducing operational costs.