Periodic Reporting for period 5 - FC21S (Cost-effective aluminium die casting for automotive industry)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2018-06-01 al 2018-10-31
The new method of lubricant helps strongly the reduction of this disposal because for the same material will be necessary only 2 - 6 ml (nebulized) each kg molten metal so it means that all liquid stick on the steel as film protection.
This new kind of lubricant is high performed with a “new” kind of alloy (Magsimal-59) where the mechanical properties are very high, comparing with standard alloys, and this could be used strongly in the automotive industries especially the chassis, helping the OEM (cars contractors) to use lighter material with thin thicknesses so cars lighter with less CO2 emission.
- Optimization of the chemical composition of the innovative mould release agent. Specifically to obtain better flow behaviour of the aluminium alloy, higher heat stability of the release agent, better protection against soldering, better corrosion resistant properties.
- Design and construction of the micro-spray and nebulisation system of the new release agent. Optimized spraying geometry has been defined, as well as air/liquid working pressures, tuning of release agent micro-dosing, liquid setting by step regulation.
- Check and evaluate the microspray system at industrial scale.
- Optimize and design the new cooling mould system.
- Design and evaluate the new accumulation system for the new release agent.
- Last improvements and construction of the new release agent accumulation system. Compatibility assessment with the new the micro-spray and nebulisation system.
- Adaptation and testing of the new accumulation system is the real industrial environment.
- Construction and last improvements of the new cooling mould system.
- New lubrication dedicated head to apply the lubricant agent by positioning and not in movement process.
- First test with the nebulization head.
- Certification work.
- Validation of FC21S technology
Commercial and dissemination work performed:
- Information activities at main customers involved in the automotive sector to make them aware of the potential innovation of the project and receive the first positive feedback.
- Implement new commercial and dissemination actions with different stakeholders.
- Participation in METEF 2017 International Fair.
- Participation in EUROGUSS 2018 Intenational fair Nuremberg GERMANY.
- Participation in BIE (Brescia Industrial Exhibition).
- Meetings with new potencial custumers.
As a result we will offer to our potential customers an innovative process and service with a look to the green future / environment.