Periodic Reporting for period 3 - MILQAS (Milk quality antibiotics sensor)
Période du rapport: 2018-05-01 au 2019-03-31
The aim of the project is to produce cheap, fast, easy-to-use, reliable and handheld field tests for measurements of all relevant antibiotics for the dairy industry. Cheap means below 5 Euros per test. Easy-to-use means just dip the chip in milk and insert it in the handheld reader, read off green or red blink - the system will take care of all data management. Reliable means correct result every time. Fast means below 3 min. Together these requirements sums up to a sensor system that will be used at many European farms.
Additionally, introducing the technology has a significant economic impact. When a milk truck has been found to be contaminated, the farmer with antibiotics in their milk is asked to pay for the all the milk in the truck as well as for cleaning of the truck's milk tank. This adds up to about 13.000 Euro, a quite considerable amount for most farmers.
Antibiotics use and spread of antibiotics through food intake is a great concern as antibiotic resistant bacteria is an increasing problem with fatal consequences, especially in pig farms and in the human digestive system. Detection of the antibiotics close to the source can limit the spreading of antibiotics and thereby the evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria.
PlastiSens is not aware of any other feasible solutions for monitoring antibiotics contamination at the farm level, and collaborating leading dairy companies are stating that they have not been presented with any other technology than that of PlastiSens ApS, which can measure antibiotics fast and simple enough for them to be practically usable at the farms.