CORDIS bietet Links zu öffentlichen Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von HORIZONT-Projekten.
Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.
the report will concern the targeted media and event to disseminate the results of the project: journal, website, specific conferences, workshop
User RequirementsThis report will describe the usability requirements of the PROPHETIC platform as well as specific identified application scenarios
Activity ReportProject activity report per 6 months
Interim report on dissemination and exploitationInterim report on dissemination and exploitation on M12 followed by an update on M24
Annual Project Management ReportAnnual project management reports i.e. every 12 months
Quality Assurance PlanQuality Assurance plan for the project's outcomes
Annual Cost statement reportsAnnual Cost statement reports i.e. per 12 months
State of the art AnalysisAnalysis of the state of the art technologies that can be used in PROPHETIC
Final Project ReportVeröffentlichungen
Maria Kalogeropoulou, Panagiotis Katrakazas, Dimitris Koutsouris
Veröffentlicht in:
Maria Kalogeropoulou, Panagiotis Katrakazas, Kostas Giokas and Dimitrios - Dionysios Koutsouris
Veröffentlicht in:
Society of Applied Neurosience (SAN) Conference
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